Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Im TAkinG my TimE...

     So with the fall season comes the feeling that there is an ending...an end to baseball games and pool parties, lemonade stands and sunBURNS (ouch!)....and with this SeaSOn upon us, i am for some reAson compelled to SLOW down a bit...in my LIFE....
     You know just S.....L....O....W ....IT....D...O....W...N....   You hear it all the time " I 'm soo busy!! Busy busy busy!!!" I saY it conSTANtly!! With 3 KiDs It is-It's ALWAYS BUsy...BUT When did we all decide that being "busy" meant suCCeSS or hAppineSS...
Sometimes it's INevitable that's truE...and neceSSary... and even enJoyable At times....But sometimes -  it's NoT...and truly SOmetimes being BuSY brings no HAppiness at all......and acTUAlly.......you miSS out on thinGS... Oh the IroNy....

    The changing leAves up there on the hill reMind me that things chAnge QUICKLY!!! One huge wind storm can make a beautiful green and yellow autumn- time tree turn into a bare leaf-less trunk!! (but then again you get to see the intricate little branches that have been hiding all summer!!...but i digress..)  So today ask yourself....What would the world be like if  (even just a few of us)  "enjoyed the VIEW" a little bit more....Took Our TIME (somETImES)...

..I know what you're thinking...it's hard to do...( YoU're BUSY, right..???!!)

Monday, September 22, 2014

It's ReaLLY FaLL?????

Well it's here. Fall has arrived and it's soooo exciting around our house. Lovin' the football, the stews, the CoZY feel in general... Lovin' the chill in the ole air.....It's so RefreshinG ouT there!!!! For those of you who don't have a change of seasons like this you should go visit somewhere that doeS. There's nothin' like it.
Today my hubby and i sat at the table -mind you while there was SILENCE as the kids were off on their own daily school adventures- and i painted while he worked on his computer.....Suddenly it hit....A fall storm was a-brewin'...the wind kicked in, the sky became a dark grayish blue and all i could think was THIS  is amazing!!! For some reason i just adore that feeling of kindof NOT being able to go out....The wind was soooo strong ya just didn't want to go OUT THERE!!! And there's something to be said for that. Being inside....stuck indoors...
SO what do we do with our times spent inside.....what do WE do?....Do we make our homes a cozy place ...a haven...a place we enjoy? How can we enjoy our homes more...??...Because we should!! Think about your own home today...what are some ways you could make it better...Is there a closet that just needs to de-cluttered? Is there a room that could be re-orGanized?!! Is there a photo album that wants you to look though it?....A spice that really wants to be incorporated into some funky homemade dish?....A couch that wants you to plop into it's comfy cushions and enjoyed...?!! I hope this inspires you to think!!! Your home is there for you to Enjoy!!! It's a BLEssing and being indoors can be too!!!
Here's to Fall!!!